Award-winning editor and journalist with a decade of experience in international media and the non-profit sector.

“I chose journalism to be close to the people.”

Shireen Abu Akleh

Recent Articles

And So, We Say an Official Goodbye, to a Pocket-Sized Device That Changed Music Forever

Do you remember the time when being able to store a thousand songs on a handheld device revolutionised the way we listened to music? Yes, the iPod. That darling device that made it possible to carry music in our pockets. If I tell this to my niece and nephew they would probably laugh as they look up from their iPad. Little do they know the iPod walked so that iPads and iPhones could run.

How a divided society comes together with the help of music

Kahlil Gibran is quoted to have once said: “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” Looking at society today, and the world at large, it is difficult not to see some truth in this. Not only has the global pandemic affected our planet in distressing ways, the political situation world over seems to be creating bigger shifts in us, the people.

Chalo is changing global perception of South Asian music | Cutacut

KARACHI: While music shows and collaborations between artists seems to be picking up in Pakistan, what with Velo Sound Station creating a new fan-base for their attempt at pop music, the new season of Coke Studio and now a recent teaser shows that Bisconni is also jumping on the music TV show bandwagon. Much can be said about the quality of content on these shows, but one thing is true: it’s nice to see musicians working together again

How Mama Shabz is putting Pakistani cuisine on Berlin's food map

It all started when Shabz had gone to a desi restaurant in Germany where she got a tortilla when she asked for a roti.

There is much to be said about Berlin and the tone it sets for multiculturalism in Germany.

While the country has seen an influx of migrants in recent years, the German capital has been considered the most international city in the country, so much so that some locals joke about Berlin not being a part of Germany at all.

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